Lair Assault: Kill the Wizard – I made a Drowslayer

As a Dungeon Master, I enjoy representing the action on the table with the correct miniatures. No battles against Starburst candies at my table. I typically judge public-play events, so I don’t pick the monsters in the adventures I run. When I lack miniatures to match the creatures in an adventure, I happily seize the excuse to go shopping for more miniatures.

My collection included figures for most of the creatures in the Kill the Wizard Lair Assault. I wanted a second Barlgura figure, so I purchased one. The adventure’s random monster table calls for a third Barlgura with a roll of 1 on a d6. Oddly enough, at my table, the odds of that outcome stand at none in 6.


When I must run monsters that lack any suitable miniatures, I’m annoyed. So the Drowslayer construct posed a problem.

Fortunately, another Dungeon Master at my friendly neighborhood game store seems even more bloody minded than me about fining appropriate figures. He showed off a Drowslayer figure that he sculpted from oven-bake clay, and that his wife painted. I was unfamiliar with oven-bake clay, so the discovery sparked my imagination.

Inspired, I created my own Drowslayer. I cut a maw into a ping-pong ball, threaded some arms made of thick, black wire, and then impaled the ball on a dowel for a stand. I used Sculpey to make a base and some eyes, baked and glued, and then painted.Drowslayer miniature figure

I also made some black pudding figures.Black pudding miniature figures

4 thoughts on “Lair Assault: Kill the Wizard – I made a Drowslayer

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